Believe it or not, Spring has sprung!
The Celtic holiday of IMBOLC turns the Wheel of the Year to celebrate the first day of Spring on February 1. And, Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, comes anytime between January 21 and February 20. This year it comes on February 10.
2024 is the Year of the Dragon. The Dragon is a powerful and auspicious creature in Asian mythology. It represents courage, creativity, and innovation. So, 2024 promises to be a year full of possibilities and opportunities. It is also predicted to be a great year to start new projects, explore new opportunities and create value for yourself and others.
On that note, let’s talk about
By popular request, I am once again offering my Chakra Qigong course. There is so much value in this practice that past students have actually asked me to teach it again so that they could repeat it. That’s how empowering it is! Imagine!
You simply tap your foot in this direction and point your hand in that direction and say some special personal words from your heart. The resulting effect is that you feel strong and beautiful and happy from the inside out!
This time around, Chakra Qigong comes together in a 3-hr format that covers:
Chakra Visualizations
Crystal Mountain
5 Spirits
7 Chakras
8 Directions
You will learn sophisticated concepts and simple movements that boost the strength of your Chakras’ spin and vibration. Plus, you will positively bring forth a healthy energy that clears blockages and cultivates the clear, clean, intelligent flow of vital life force all through your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Descriptions and explanations of all components,
Demonstrations of the Qigong movements, plus
Experiential practice of the Qigong movements, and
Accompanying guided visualizations
Monday – Thursday
March 11 – 14, 2024
11:00am – 2:00pm CDT
Enrollment is limited to 12
Online Course: $425.00
Early Registration:
$360.00 (by Feb.29)
For more information or questions, email Grandmother at: